The History of this Web Log
Time Line
Aug 2011
I depart the work force. Using "Stixy" for the web log under the name "Zulu Time".
Oct 2013
Stixy Announces that it will shut down
End 2013
Stixy Goes Dark, Start using Weebly and Start using Mail Chimp for the e-mail list
Jul 2015
Ordered presentation cards for the web log
Co-Blogging with Ann
Nov 2016
Mail Chimp notified users that Gmail will make changes that prevent using a gmail address as a return address. Somehow this is allowed if I have a domain name, it's pretty cheap to get one.
In selecting a domain name I decide to retire the name Zulu Time and after much thought rename the Web Log "The Big Back Yard"
I acquire the domain. I set up the address dean at and change the URL to it is still free that way.
Laid out a new presentation card with the new address and URL.
September 2018
Reorganized the Index Page and put up a new Banner Photo. I really loved the old banner photo but it was getting so old. (That's it below)
The original banner
Also sometime in 2018Weebly sold out to Square. At first I hardly notice, the "Free" option remains with little change, but for how long?
Sat 14 May 2022
Always behind in postings, I finally finished the last posting of my monumental trip to Europe with Ann, it took almost 7 years to do them all.
Mid September 2022
Initiated a "Photo Albums" page using albums in Google Photos to (I hope) streamline publishing, keeping them more timely and make a more complete timeline.
16 July 2023
On or about this date I published a revamp of the index page to primarily lead to photo albums. You can still get to older "Classic" posts but it takes more clicks.
28 Dec 2023
I started using Google Sites as an alternative to Weebly and I figured out how to use the URL so the weblog can now be found without the "Weebly" name in the URL.
I also made New presentation cards, with the new URL and these include a QR code. Something that seems to be everywhere these days. One of a few designs I made is shown above.
28 Dec 2024
Although signing in got slightly more complicated after Square bought Weebly, it still seems to be working about the same. Yet, I would kind of like to break free of Square/Weebly and move everything to Google Sites. This would be a huge effort but I have started moving a few things over, bit by bit. I don't know if I will ever finish.
Jan 2025
I have worked out a way to republish my old STIXY pages using github. It was quite a project to go through those old postings, Fix broken links. Get all the Picasaweb albums working on Google Photos, fix broken links and make some really needed small updates. 49 Postings is a lot to go through, but I did it and on 18 Jan 2025 I republished the first 3. Hoping to do a few at a time until all are available.
My Workforce Departure
NOTE: A fuller posting about the buildup to my retirement is available in this posting HERE.
Starting out with STIXY
In about 2011 I was ready to execute a radical plan. An early retirement and essentially, Full Time Travel. For a few different reasons it seemed like a good idea to do some sort of web page or travel log. For one thing I wanted to have a way to keep in touch with friends and former co-workers as I became a nomad. And, if I am honest, maybe a way to show off a little bit. I realize Facebook can fill this roll but I wanted something a little bigger and more special than a facebook page and something I had more control over. I had been playing with a web site called "Stixy". Stixy offered to ability to make web pages based on elements the user could freely drag around the page like sticky notes.
The ZULU-TIME name.
I figured I would need some kind of name for the web log. I thought and thought about it. It is surprising how difficult it is to come up with a meaningful but short name, no wonder there are whole companies devoted to helping businesses come up with names. I guess I may have overthought the problem. I finally settled on Zulu Time. It had something to do with retirement being after the working life (Zulu the end of the alphabet). And Zulu time is a universal time zone used by pilots. Yeah, I'm sure nobody got it except me. And, in truth, nobody pays attention to the name anyway. But it seemed clever and relevant at the time. I later decided it was a little too clever, but I left it as it was for a while.
I used Stixy to publish the travel log. To alert people when a new page went up I would send e-mail from my regular gmail account to a contact list composed of friends, family and some former co-workers.
It was very easy to make simple pages with photos and text but Stixy did have it's drawbacks. For example, if I wanted to insert some new material above a bunch of other elements you had to rearrange the old material one element at a time. It could get a little tedious.
I also worried that Stixy seemed to be someones experiment. It was free and there was no advertising or other means of support. Would someone get tired of paying the domain and bandwidth charges? And that's exactly what happened. In Oct of 2013 we were notified that Stixy was shutting down. It went dark near the end of that year. I archived my pages but it would be a project to recreate them in another format and I haven't done that yet.
You can get an idea what my Stixy pages looked like HERE.
The switch to WEEBLY.COM
I discovered that keeping up a web log is quite an effort and I had been planning to take a break from it anyway, but I still felt compelled to find a replacement for Stixy. After searching around I decided on Weebly as the new home. Unlike Stixy, Weebly is a for profit web hosting company, not likely to go broke or cease operation anytime soon. However if the user is willing to accept some limitations it is possible to set up and host web pages at no charge. The limitations are;
1. Must use a sub domain of That is, the URL of the page must be something like <my-page-name>
2. A small and fairly unobtrusive advertisement for Weebly appears at the very bottom of the free web pages.
Considering that this web log is completely non-commercial I felt these limitations, in exchange for free service, were reasonable and completely acceptable. It is possible that they may change the policy at some time but at the time I saw no indication that they would.
Another useful and FREE service - MAIL CHIMP
At about the same time I began using Weebly I was also looking for a better solution for managing my e-mail list. The list had slightly over 100 people on it, not too unwieldy but big enough that it could be a chore to maintain it. Needless to say I am not close friends with every single person on the list and I worried that some might not really be interested. But the only way to get off the list would be to send me a personal email asking me to take them off, and people might be reluctant to do that. They might mark my address as "Spam" instead, which would be undesirable. It would be better, I thought, to have a system that would allow automation of both the "Subscribe" and "Un-Subscribe" functions similar to a news letter I am subscribed to from Oliver Sacks. Email I received from them had a "Mail Chimp" logo at the bottom so I clicked and read. It turned out that Mail Chip (, like Weebly (, offers it's service for free with some limitations.
1. To be free the list must have less than 2,000 subscribers and send a total of less than 12,000 emails per month.
2. A small and fairly unobtrusive advertisement for Mail Chimp appears at the bottom of email sent from a free account.
I am not likely to run into that 2000 subscriber limit since it's about 15 times the number I have now. And Mail Chimp brings a whole raft of useful features. I can embed a form on the web page where people can subscribe on their own, and importantly, un-subscribe as well with just a single click. It also captures a lot of information about responses to the e-mail that I could never gather from my own mailings. For example, it records who clicked on what link and I can inspect this information. It tries to determine who even opens the e-mail by seeing who loads the mail chimp logo image. However that is not totally accurate as some people do not automatically load images in e-mails they receive.
Based on this I can gauge the level of interest. It's a little dismaying sometimes to see how disinterested most people are. I guess it's to be expected. But there are some who seem very interested, and I do get at least a little feedback, all of which has been positive. Based on this info I have even taken the initiative to purge a few people from the list who never opened the e-mails or clicked a link.
Non-Business Cards
Introvert though I am, from time to time I do talk to strangers and I sometimes tell them about my web log. A time or two I wrote the URL on a scrap of paper but I was frustrated one time too many with this method and decided I needed presentation cards, or as I called it, a Non-Business card. So along about July 2015 I laid out a card, on it I use the phrase "An occasional diversion with absolutely no commercial purpose" to emphasize the fact that this is just a hobby, I don't sell anything or make any effort to monetize the web log. That would make it work.
Also about this time I took a trip to Europe with Ann. She also blogs and when we travel together we try to sort of co-blog. I do my posting with photos and descriptions and she also does a more subjective posting on her web log. She has used the term "He said / She said", if that sounds like an argument, it's not. We just give different perspectives and we both post links to the other.
Finally had to pay for something - My Domain Name
Along about Oct 2016 I started getting notices from Mail Chimp that using a personal and free gmail address was going to become problematic due to something Google Mail was changing called DMARC settings.
The gist of this was that I now needed to get my own domain and set up e-mail using that domain. As always, it's just a hobby and economy is very important so I looked at several options. After much searching and checking of options I concluded the cheapest was to get a domain through Google Domains and use their mail forwarding feature to create an e-mail address that would operate by simply forwarding to my existing e-mail account. Cost; $12 per year. (Note: Some options were cheaper the first year but more expensive or undetermined in subsequent years) I think Mail Chimp found a work around for this issue but now that I have the domain I might as well keep it. It's cheap enough.
Having figured that out the next question was, what domain name should I get? I did not want a dot com address, after all this is "An occasional diversion with absolutely no commercial purpose". Dot org is for formal non-profit organizations, which I am not. There are many other top level domains available now, most more expensive than the classics and none really touched me much, certainly not enough to pay extra. So dot net or dot info were the two best possibilities. I had been using the name ZULU-TIME for the web log and it would have been easy to get, but I was never that wild about the name and thought I could and really should come up with something better. Once again I thought and thought, not wanting to settle for something as weak as the first name. I realized after a while that I was thinking too much in terms of a domain name which would only be a couple words long. How can I sum up the way I feel about my unconventional lifestyle and my travels in two words? Impossible! Instead I should (and did) focus more on a name for the web log. Even if it came out very long I could always pick a couple shorter representative words for the domain name. Like, if I decided on "Deans web log with a silly and absurdly long name", I could choose a domain name like "" and it would make sense to that one or two people who might by chance even notice the name at all.
So I concentrated on naming the web log. "Deans World" was a leading contender, not bad really, but it inescapably alludes to that old movie Waynes World. In thinking about this I watched a few scenes on You Tube. In the end I could not link myself to a movie whose main theme was stupidity, funny and lighthearted though it was.
I finally hit on "The Big Back Yard". Not bad, I thought, but was I just ready to settle on something because I was (by now) really tired of thinking about it? Maybe, but it's impossible to really sum it all up in just a few words. "Big Back Yard" at least hints at what I am trying to say, that for a nomad the whole world is like a big back yard. So "Big Back Yard" it was. As it happened both the domains and were taken, as was BUT was available. The conventional wisdom is to avoid hyphens in a domain name, but I don't know if I agree with that because I think it makes it more readable. In any case, it's now a done deal.
I set up the new email address, tested it with a few friends and even changed the URL to, it is still free that way.
I had to lay out new non-business card as well. The e-mail address and new URL appears on the new presentation card which I display at the top of this page.
Did I really need to do this?
Since making all these changes Mail Chimp now states that they have some sort of work around for the new DMARC settings and they will implement it in the background. In any case I kinda like my domain name and my new address so I will continue using it. 12 bucks a year ain't so bad for a hobby. It' s actually nothing compared to the time it costs me.
Weebly sells out
In 2018 Weebly was sold to Square. It didn't make any difference at first and I hardly noticed it. It took a while and I don't recall exactly when, I think some time in 2021 the login procedure changed and I log in first to Weebly then to Square. As of the end of 2024 it all still works and the Weebly logo still pops up at the bottom. But I wonder for how long and if Square will eliminate the "Free" plan that I use.
Also in 2023 Google Domains was taken over by Square. Boy they are taking over everything. But I guess I can, with some struggle and frustration, still use it. Although, I have come to loath "Square" as company.
I was looking for an alternative to Weebly/Square in case I wanted to migrate away from them. It turns out that Google "Sites" still works. I kinda wish I had known about them sooner. It allows the creation of VERY basic web sites for free on a Google account, which is all I need. I eventually figured out, with trial, error and googling, how to connect the website to the Custom Domain that I have had since 2016. I created an Index page on Google Sites. It looks similar, though slightly cruder than, the Weebly version but now you can find it at instead of the old URL It took me a while but I finally got that working on 28 Dec 2023. So far only the index is here, it links to the old Weebly pages and to the Google Photos Pages. And it gives me a path to move slowly away from Weebly/Square if and when they become problematic.
It was a pity that first 14 months of travel web log were lost when STIXY went dark. It was an exciting time, the beginning of it all, and I did so much those first month. I had saved the files thinking I might do something with them someday. Well, someday came in 2025. I found a way to republish them on Github and, with a lot of work, got them ready to upload. I started re-releasing them, a few at a time, on 18 Jan 2025.
The Future
So up to now my web log has been pretty strictly a travel log with pictures and a fairly objective recounting of the travels. I sometimes wonder if I should go a little more subjective some time. I have a little article or essay that I have written on the subject of keeping a web log and of keeping diaries. I try to answer the question of "Why?", though I don't really reach a conclusive answer.
I might also write up and make available some practical hints for travelers. Several topics occur to me like using your phone in a foreign country, passports and visas and finding a place to stay.
I could stray into other even more subjective topics, but that is a long way off right now.
But I also want to fill in the gaps in the historical record left by the demise of Stixy and perhaps fill in other gaps to make this something like a complete history of my retirement years, maybe some travel prior to retirement. It would get pretty huge if I did all that, maybe too big and unwieldy. And who knows if I will live that long.
For now (end of 2024) I just want to keep it current and slowly phase out Weebly, I have moved a few pages over just recently, but will probably lose momentum on that. It's honestly such a low priority.